The Health Implications Of Sharing Your Bed With Pets

The Health Implications Of Sharing Your Bed With Pets

Many people love their pets and enjoy spending time with them. Pets can improve our health, social life, physical activity, and loneliness. That’s why some people let their pets sleep on their bed or even under their covers.

However, sleeping with your pet can also have some health risks and challenges. Here are some of the main ones:

Sleep quality: Sleeping with your pet can make you feel relaxed and cozy, but it can also disturb your sleep. Pets can move, snore, or make noises that can wake you up. To avoid this, you may need a bigger bed or a separate bed for your pet in your bedroom. Your pet also needs good sleep, so make sure they have a comfortable and quiet place to rest.

Parasites and infections: Pets can carry parasites, such as fleas, ticks, mites, and lice, that can jump to you and cause itching, irritation, or diseases. Some of these diseases include plague or “cat scratch disease”, which is caused by bacteria in cat saliva. Pets can also have internal parasites, such as roundworms, that can infect humans and cause illness. These parasites can be transmitted through eggs that can stick to your pet’s fur and then to your skin or bedding. To prevent this, you should regularly deworm your pet and wash your hands after touching them. You should also keep your pet’s fur clean and groomed, and wash your bedding frequently. Another health risk of sleeping with your pet is the possibility of spreading other infections, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Some of these infections can be resistant to antibiotics, such as MRSA, or even contagious to humans, such as COVID-19. To avoid this, you should not sleep with your pet if you or your pet are sick or have any symptoms. You should also consult your doctor and veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s health or yours.

Allergies and injuries: Sleeping with your pet can also cause allergies and injuries. Some people may be allergic to pet hair, dust, or dander, which can cause sneezing, coughing, or asthma. Sleeping with your pet can increase your exposure to these allergens, especially if they are in close contact with your face or pillow. To reduce this risk, you may want to use hypoallergenic bedding, vacuum your bedroom regularly, or take allergy medication. Sleeping with your pet can also result in minor injuries, such as scratches or bites, that can happen accidentally or during play. To prevent this, you should trim your pet’s nails, keep their teeth clean, and avoid roughhousing with them before bedtime. You should also treat any wounds promptly and seek medical attention if they become infected.

Behavioural issues: Sleeping with your pet can also affect their behaviour and your relationship with them. Some pets may develop separation anxiety or attachment issues if they become too dependent on sleeping with you. This can lead to problems such as barking, whining, or destroying things when you are away. On the other hand, some owners may use sleeping with their pet as a way to cope with their own anxiety or loneliness, which can also be unhealthy. Some pets may also exhibit unwanted behaviours, such as scratching the door or vocalising at night, if they are not allowed to sleep with you. To avoid this, you should train your pet to sleep in their own bed or crate, and reward them for doing so. You should also establish a consistent bedtime routine and avoid giving in to their demands. If you have any difficulties with your pet’s behaviour, you may want to consult a professional trainer or behaviourist.

Cleanliness and Care: Another thing to consider when sleeping with your pet is cleanliness and care. You should wash your bed sheets at least once a week, or more often if you share your bed with pets. Your pet’s fur and feet can carry dirt and germs that can contaminate your sleeping area. One study found that 86% of dogs had bacteria from faeces on their paws. To prevent this, you should clean your pet’s paws after they go outside. You should also groom and bathe your pet regularly, as this can improve their health and wellbeing, and strengthen your bond with them. You should also use anti-parasitic treatments for your pet as advised by your vet, to avoid spreading parasites to yourself or other pets.

Sleeping with your pet can be a wonderful experience, but it can also have some drawbacks. You should weigh the pros and cons of sleeping with your pet, and decide what works best for you and your pet. You should also follow some best practices, such as keeping your pet and your bedroom clean, healthy, and safe. By doing so, you can enjoy a good night’s sleep with your pet, and a happy and harmonious relationship.