10 Wellness Tips for Physical Activity Day

10 Wellness Tips for Physical Activity Day

Doctors emphasize the benefits of sports over medications. April 6th is World Day for Physical Activity, established in 2002 during the 55th World Health Assembly to promote an active lifestyle.…
How Loneliness Can Lead to Overeating in Women

How Loneliness Can Lead to Overeating in Women

A recent study with ninety-three women found that loneliness can affect both mental and physical health. Researchers studied how their brains reacted to different food pictures to understand why lonely…
Foods Linked to Migraine Triggers

Foods Linked to Migraine Triggers

Nutrition can play a big role in managing migraines. For those who get them often, what you eat matters. Avoiding certain foods and drinks can help lessen how often and…
Rome’s 2024 Birth Anniversary

Rome’s 2024 Birth Anniversary

As April 21st approaches, Rome is making preparations for its customary annual celebration. Thanks to the support of Rome Capital, residents have the opportunity to engage in a cultural extravaganza…
The Right Frequency For Washing Clothing

The Right Frequency For Washing Clothing

Is there a guideline that indicates the “right” frequency for washing clothing? The topic is divisive because washing is part of each individual’s personal routine: some instinctively put their clothes…
Decorate Your Home With Feng Shui

Decorate Your Home With Feng Shui

FENG SHUI is a philosophy of harmony to have a proportionate and emotionally balancing home, whether it’s small or large! There are only a few guidelines to follow, but they…