Manage These 3 Factors to Reduce Your Dementia Risk.

Manage These 3 Factors to Reduce Your Dementia Risk.

Dementia is common among older adults, particularly those aged 65 and older. Risk escalates with age, and while it cannot be completely prevented due to factors like age and genetics, certain lifestyle choices can reduce the risk. Neurologists identify three primary risk factors for dementia prevention, along with actionable steps individuals can take immediately.

Risk Factor #1: Inadequate Physical Activity

Regular exercise, including aerobic, strength training, and mind-body exercises, can help lower the risk of dementia. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, incorporating activities like walking, cycling, and yoga.

Risk Factor #2: Lack of Social Interaction

Loneliness is associated with depression and can increase the risk of dementia. Stay connected with friends and family, and consider joining social groups or clubs in your area.

Risk Factor #3: Lack of Sleep

Getting less than 5-6 hours of sleep nightly increases dementia risk. Improve sleep quality by limiting alcohol, avoiding large meals before bed, and creating a comfy sleep environment. Preventing dementia through lifestyle changes is vital, as there’s no cure. Prioritizing brain health today offers significant benefits for the future.