Discover 8 Everyday Reasons for Hair Shedding That Might Surprise You

Discover 8 Everyday Reasons for Hair Shedding That Might Surprise You

Hair shedding is natural, but noticing more in your brush or drain can raise concerns. Is it normal, and what causes it? On average, people shed 50 to 100 hairs daily, but this varies. Scalps contain over 100,000 follicles, and hair cycles between growth and rest phases.

In the hair growth cycle, shedding occurs to make room for new hair. Any imbalance can affect the amount of hair loss. Dr. Joyce Davis, a New York-based board-certified dermatologist, notes that if you notice more hair on your pillow or in the shower drain than usual, it’s considered excessive shedding.

Experts highlighted eight common but surprising factors for increased hair shedding and potential solutions.

  • Nutrient Deficiency.
  • Infrequent Hair Washing.
  • Seasonal Hair Shedding.
  • Intense fever or significant illness.
  • You’re under significant stress.
  • Your hormonal levels are shifting.
  • You’re on a new medication.
  • Your hair styling habits are causing damage.
  • When to Get Help for Excessive Hair Shedding.

If you notice unexplained hair loss, see a trichologist or dermatologist. While some shedding may resolve on its own, persistent issues may require professional intervention. Treatment options are available for managing hair loss.