Bad Cholesterol: Prevention And Natural Allies

Bad Cholesterol: Prevention And Natural Allies

Every time we overindulge in fatty or unhealthy foods, we think about our liver and cholesterol. But what is cholesterol? Is it all “bad”? What is LDL cholesterol?

Let’s start by saying that for cholesterol to be transported in the blood, it needs to be combined with proteins, forming lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are primarily classified based on their density.

LDL stands for low-density lipoproteins, commonly known as “bad cholesterol.” They transport cholesterol from the liver (the cholesterol factory) to the rest of the body through the bloodstream, releasing it into the tissues and cells of the body.

If LDL cholesterol levels (or LDL-C) are “normal,” they are not dangerous to the individual; in fact, they are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

However, an excess of LDL can pose health risks, especially the development of cardiovascular diseases. There are generally three good habits that can help us keep bad cholesterol in check: 1. a healthy and balanced diet; 2. physical activity; 3. knowing when to monitor cholesterol levels based on gender and age.

Regarding the first point, it’s important to remember that it’s not so much about reducing total fat intake but rather focusing on distinguishing between “good” fats and those to avoid. “Good” fats are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated and are found in vegetable oils such as olive oil, sunflower, soy, or in nuts, seeds, and fish. It’s worth noting that artichoke and bergamot are allies against cholesterol.

Regarding the second point, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week are sufficient to keep the body in shape, maintain weight control, and safeguard health.

As for the third point, it’s important to know when to monitor cholesterol levels because there are other factors that regulate LDL cholesterol levels and cannot be modified, primarily gender and age. Generally, “bad cholesterol” increases with age and is lower in women before menopause compared to men. There are also genetic factors; there are conditions, such as familial hypercholesterolemia, responsible for increasing cholesterol levels from a young age.