10 Wellness Tips for Physical Activity Day

10 Wellness Tips for Physical Activity Day

Doctors emphasize the benefits of sports over medications. April 6th is World Day for Physical Activity, established in 2002 during the 55th World Health Assembly to promote an active lifestyle. Supported by the United Nations as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2024.

Aligned with the World Health Organization’s goals to reduce physical inactivity and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Public Health Agency of Catalonia has compiled 10 reasons promoting an active lifestyle.

  1. Start your day with stretching and basic yoga.
  2. Do activities you love for better well-being.
  3. Dance to express yourself.
  4. Take daily walks to reduce stress.
  5. Exercise your heart and muscles.
  6. Try yoga or tai chi for well-being.
  7. Walk or bike instead of driving.
  8. Play active games with friends and family.
  9. Laugh often for a healthy body.
  10. Relax before bed with breathing or meditation.